Wednesday, July 9, 2008

SFE e-newsletter - July 08

Dear SFE Partners,

Welcome to the SFE e-newsletter. The SFE e-newsletter aims to provide updated information on SFE and other family life education programmes and happenings. We will also be sharing some short articles and family life tips with you in this e-newsletter.

The highlights of the July 08 issue of SFE e-newsletter include Singapore Parenting Congress 08, SFE Parent Facilitator Training Oct 08 and SFE training for coordinators.

We would like to hear from you on how we can make this e-newsletter and the SFE programme better. If you have any suggestion or feedback or wish to contribute to the e-newsletter, please contact us at

The SFE e-newsletter can also be viewed at . We hope you will enjoy reading this SFE e-newsletter.