Monday, June 23, 2008

Symposium on Cyberbullying

Symposium On Protecting Your Child Against the Cyber Menace 24:7
19th July 2008
Ulu Pandan Community Club, Level 5 Theatrette

With the rapid advent of information technology (IT), young children and youth have been swept up into the IT culture, with little understanding to the risks involved. Parents and educators of these “Millenial” children are caught unaware, unprepared and helpless as these children and youth get caught up in cyber-related social ills like internet and gaming addiction, online bullying and invasion of privacy.

For this reason, the NIE SupportUS, a group of NIE trainee teachers took to task, the battle towards rising issues that may affect the emotional and social well-being of our children and youth today. Together with other organisations like Coalition Against Bullying for Children & Youth (CABCY) and Harvest Centre for Research, Training & Development (HRTD), this symposium has been organised with the aim of reaching out to parents and educators as a community endeavour to address concerns and problems rising from the increased internet use by children and youth.

Experts and researchers in the study of cyberian world will be sharing their insights and tips in facilitating a generation of young internet users. We urge that you and your colleagues will participate this symposium. Come make a difference together!

With the cost of S$60 per person, you’ll get to attend 4 keynote addresses. Lunch will be provided. All proceeds collected will be donated to the non-profit organisations CABCY and ILOVEIT! Campaign for needy and at-risk children.

For details on registration, please call Coalition Against Bullying for Children & Youths (CABCY)
10 Anson Road, #12-13, International Plaza, Singapore 079903 Tel: 6227 6635 Fax: 6227 6146
Email: Website: