Monday, July 21, 2008

How do we do a good job of passing on our values to the next generation?

Dear Parents

This has always been a major job of fatherhood, but it's harder nowadays. We will reflect on which values we want to pass on, how we might do it similarly or differently from our own fathers, and how we can be effective teachers of our children in a confusing world. To address this issue, we have invited Dr William Doherty, a renowned family therapist from the University of Minnesota, USA to conduct a Parenting Seminar on

Date: 17 August 2008 (Sunday)

Time: 3.30 – 5.30 pm

Venue: York Hotel, Singapore

Registration Fee: $25/pax, $35/couple

Attached is an e-flyer (with registration form) to encourage you fathers (and mothers) to join us for the programme. Should you like to publicise the event to your organisation, we will be happy to provide you with an e-poster for this purpose.

Dance with Your Child - a Hip-Hop Dance and Movement Workshop for Father and Child

Dancing is a great way to communicate and bond with our children. It’s soothing and relaxing, the music and rhythm help father and child to connect with each other. Fathers – do join us for this time of bonding, on 1st September 2008

Ms Irene Lee, Administration Manager

Centre for Fathering
(O) 6252 8408

Registration Form

Date: 1 September, 2008 (Monday)
Time: 7.30 – 9.00 pm (Dinner starts at 5.45 pm)
Venue: The Esplanade, 1 Esplanade Drive, S038981
Registation Fee: $35/pair (includes dinner)
*One father to bring one child from Pr 4 – 6 (limited to 10 pairs)

Name : (Father)______________________________
(Child) ______________________________

Address : _________________________________________
Phone No: (H) ________________ (O) ___________
(M) _____________

Email : _______________________________________

Enclosed is my cheque no. _________________ for $_________
(please issue cheque to: Centre for Fathering Ltd and mail it to
Blk 128A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh #01-01, Singapore 311128)