Sunday, November 25, 2007

Visit to Old Folk Home organised by Staff Welfare

On 20 November 2007, 22 teachers set off at 1 pm to Clementi and Marsiling with the objectives of Hands on, Minds on, Hearts on to help the less fortunate. With the donations from GRPS staff, we are able to purchase essential items like canned food, biscuits, instant beverages and toiletries.
The 60 vulnerable senior citizens waited excitedly for us at their void deck. Our warm and caring teachers played games with the seniors. This brought much delight and cheers to them. They enjoyed the snacks and drinks that we bought for them. Through this experience, I realized although money is the most practical gift, it is not what they want. What they desire is intangible and that is our care and concern.
On behalf of SWC, I would like to express my appreciation to those teachers who participate in this meaningful activity. We look forward to your continued support to make a difference in our community.

Shared by Mrs. Pang
On behalf of SWC