Sunday, March 18, 2007


Parent Support Attachement
8th and 9th March 2007
Teacher-aide: A Classroom Experience

A total of 24 succesful parents applied for our teacher aide during our meet the P1 parents session on 28/2/2007. The experience provide parents an opportunity to be involved as a teacher-aide in order to experience the vigour of a lower primary class. The teacher aide was assigned to assist in conducting small group reading, teaching, art & craft lesson, helping to put up display in the classroom, and helping the pupils in their 'Use Your Hand" campaign. They have a short break for refreshment during recess time, chat with our Mrs Chew, Mrs Tan, Mrs Chua (currently part time full time counsellor and formally our school senior teacher)and myself.

It was a pleasure meeting them and we have a great time exchanging ideas on their learning needs in parenting and different ideas to involved parents in our school events. In particular, Mdm Juanita suggested having a basic internet training workshop so parents can be more computer savvy to monitor their kids. Parents volunteers to help to look after children when they are attending a parent workshop. Additionally, another parent volunteer to share her expertise in the dental field with the children.

Parents agreed that they have better understanding of the teacher's responsibility in the lower primary classroom and quoting from Mdm Juanita " It's a fun experience with the teachers and parents and I hope to volunteer as teacher aide monthly!"

Thank You Parents For A Great Partnership!

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