Thursday, November 20, 2008

PSG fund raising on P1 Orientation Day

The PSG exco set up stalls on P1 orientation day to raise fund for needy pupils as well as for the running of PSG activities. The members sold items like bean curd, nasi lemak, fried mee moon, hot dog bun, soon kueh, etc. These were well received by the parents and the committee managed to raise a fund of $330 at the end of the day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

PM Lee visit GRPS Family Fun & Fitness Day 12 Oct 2008

The school organised Family Fun & Fitness @ GRPS in partnership with Health Promotion Board and the Singapore Red Cross. The school also collaborated with Zhenghua CC to support Zhenghua Community Day. Our Prime Minister Mr Lee and distinguished community leaders dropped by Greenridge Primary School while visiting Zhenghua on that day.

Mass Aerobics Workout
Blodd Donation EDucation & Drive
Healthy Lifestyle Exhibition
Talk on Health Promotion & Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Choice Bazaar
International Healthy Food making Demonstration
Concurrent "Family Sport Day" at parade square hosted by PCF kindergarten

Monday, September 22, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2008

Sale of Pink Ribbon by PSG in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Free Talk Tickets : "Raising Good & Smart Kids/Youths"

Entrance Strictly by Tickets. Only 300 FREE Tickets to give away. First Come First Serve.

Just mail a Self-Address Stamped Envelop to "Character Education Institute, 3 Mariam Way Singapore 508533". We will issue 2 tickets per envelop.

Raising Good and Smart Kids/Youths

7 Sep 2008, Sunday 1.30pm to 5pm. Don't Miss : May be Prof Lickona 's last trip to Singapore.

by Professor Thomas Lickona, Phd, commonly known as "Father of Character Education" in USA
Tickets are Free Of Charge. First Come First Serve. This Talk will be FULL HOUSE.

Venue : St Joseph Institute Auditorium

For future talk/seminar announcement from Character Education Institute or United Knowledge
simply email to joanne@uknowledge with subject : Include me

Joanne Ng, Tel (65) 6546 5801
United Knowledge 3 Mariam Way Singapore 508533

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

NDP Blog Battle

NDP organisers again held contest in the NDP website. I entered its blog battle contest. Singaporeans are invited to blog about, 'What does the Singapore Spirit Mean To You?' So I began writing my blog....this is what I had to say.....

The Singapore Spirit is a 'Never Say Die' kind of attitude that has been embedded within each & everyone of us who are proud to be known as a Singaporean.

It determines who we are actually. Look at where Singapore is today, it is impossible to be where we are if not for this Singapore Spirit. Most of us exhibit qualities or attitudes that one would associate with the Singapore Spirit, in one way or another – we ARE, after all, in our totality, Singapore.

Picture: Night skyline

What is so unique people may on, and you will agree that the following traits are indeed within us.

Well, to me, the Singapore Spirit encompasses these five traits:

Unity. Singaporeans have a sense of community and are firmly rooted to the nation. We stay united, braving different issues, tackling each problem as it confronts us. Despite our diversity of ancestry and religions, our solidarity has allowed us to live in harmony during good times, and stay cohesive during times of adversity.

Yvonne & myself during NDP2007 Observance Ceremony at West Spring Secondary School

Resilient. Singaporeans are determined and have the will to succeed in every tasks or endeavour. Our ‘Can Do’ attitude, tenacity, discipline and perseverance in pursuit of our hopes and dreams, are at the root of our success as a nation.

Picture: muky66 (

Hardwork. Singaporeans are prepared and optimistic. Our competitiveness, integrity and vitality has helped us to strive towards doing our best and forging ahead to build a brighter future for our next generation.

Picture: All aboard

Dynamic. Singaporeans are creative and versatile. Our ability to accept change and adapt to new challenges allows us to excel in the global environment. It also cultivates the urge to explore new niche areas and build competitive advantages for continued successes.

Picture: My daughter, Siti Aishah at NDP 2007

Compassion. Singaporeans are gracious and caring. As we move ahead, we also reach out to those in need and give what we can.

The Singapore Spirit might not be something that Singaporeans mention on an everyday basis during casual conversations. Yet there is little doubt that it thrives in our deeds and actions as we go about our daily lives. The Singapore Spirit will never die!

Blogged by Rosita

It was a surprise to have won 1st prize (Handphone) To me, having won something is just a bonus. I love writing. Its a passion that drives me further. As a mother to 3 school going kids, I believe I must show by example, that reading & writing well goes hand in hand. Needless to say all my kids love to read. Being a housewife, does not limit that creativity in me. We parents, must be involved in our child's education as a sign that we care and is there for them when the going gets tough.

Open House 2008

Racial Harmony Day 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

How do we do a good job of passing on our values to the next generation?

Dear Parents

This has always been a major job of fatherhood, but it's harder nowadays. We will reflect on which values we want to pass on, how we might do it similarly or differently from our own fathers, and how we can be effective teachers of our children in a confusing world. To address this issue, we have invited Dr William Doherty, a renowned family therapist from the University of Minnesota, USA to conduct a Parenting Seminar on

Date: 17 August 2008 (Sunday)

Time: 3.30 – 5.30 pm

Venue: York Hotel, Singapore

Registration Fee: $25/pax, $35/couple

Attached is an e-flyer (with registration form) to encourage you fathers (and mothers) to join us for the programme. Should you like to publicise the event to your organisation, we will be happy to provide you with an e-poster for this purpose.

Dance with Your Child - a Hip-Hop Dance and Movement Workshop for Father and Child

Dancing is a great way to communicate and bond with our children. It’s soothing and relaxing, the music and rhythm help father and child to connect with each other. Fathers – do join us for this time of bonding, on 1st September 2008

Ms Irene Lee, Administration Manager

Centre for Fathering
(O) 6252 8408

Registration Form

Date: 1 September, 2008 (Monday)
Time: 7.30 – 9.00 pm (Dinner starts at 5.45 pm)
Venue: The Esplanade, 1 Esplanade Drive, S038981
Registation Fee: $35/pair (includes dinner)
*One father to bring one child from Pr 4 – 6 (limited to 10 pairs)

Name : (Father)______________________________
(Child) ______________________________

Address : _________________________________________
Phone No: (H) ________________ (O) ___________
(M) _____________

Email : _______________________________________

Enclosed is my cheque no. _________________ for $_________
(please issue cheque to: Centre for Fathering Ltd and mail it to
Blk 128A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh #01-01, Singapore 311128)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

National Heritage Festival 2008

Singapore HeritageFest 2008, one of National Heritage Board's major outreach events, will be held from 12 to 27 July 2008 and this year's festival's tagline is "Who's Your Hero?". As there is a wide range of programmes for everyone, young and old, please encourage teachers and students to participate in the festival on their own or with their families and friends, as there are many exciting outreach activities, especially over the weekends. Below is an emailer on Fun On Foot, The Heritage Marathon, which is very popular amongst schools, and Uniformed Groups had participated actively in previous FOFs. There are many interesting programmes with subtle NE messages, where students could enjoy and have fun, and at the same time, learn more about Singapore history, our pioneers and heroes who have lived, or are still living. For more details about the festival, you can visit or call the festival hotline: 6736 0503.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008



A Great Relationship with Your Child - Do You Have the Tools?

We invite all parents with teenage children and educators to join us at this most popular parenting conference of the year, Singapore Parenting Congress 08, and hear from international and local speakers like Dr William J. Doherty (Professor and Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Programme at the University of Minnesota) and Dr John Ng (President of Meta and Honorary Chair of the Eagles Communications Board of Governanc) on how to be an empowered and confident parent.

Organised by MediaCorp Radio and supported by MCYS, National Family Council and Singapore Totalisator Board, the Singapore Parenting Congress has been a sold-out for the past 4 years. The Congress will be held on 16 to 17 Aug in NTUC Auditorium. Parents can choose from a series of 5 seminars in 4 languages.

For more details, log on to . Get your tickets now to avoid disppointment!

This MCYS-supported programme can be counted as part of SFE's family life education (FLE) programme. Schools can tap on the SFE funds and include the FLE hours as part of the SFE hours.


Following the Parent Facilitator Training in May 08, the next run of Parent Facilitator Training is taking place in Oct 08. Schools are encouraged to start looking out for suitable parents to nominate them for the course. Priority will be given to parents with younger children studying in the school (i.e. in Pri 1-4 and Sec 1-2). This 40-hour training for parent facilitators (parent volunteers) facilitates the running of FLE programmes and also help them form parent support groups and be mentors to other parents.

Visit the SFE website at for application forms and details.


SFE coordinators play a pivitol role in ensuring the successful implementation of SFE in the schools. There is a list of training programmes coming up from July to Oct 08. These programmes aim to equip coordinators with information and skills to help the schools implement tailored family life education programmes to meet the varied needs of the target groups and to become better coordinators.

For the month of July to Aug 08: Programmes include workshops to learn how to enhance publicity efforts and your message by creating power-packed flyers using powerpoint; pick up effective communication skills that you can apply to your work in the SFE schools and in your personal life.

For the month of Sept to Oct 08: Programmes include workshops to learn to connect with people using psychological techniques; and the skills to deliver engaging presentations and speeches with ease.

The training course is fully-funded by MCYS, so sign up for this exclusive training! Visit to find out more about these series of exciting programmes for SFE coordinators!


The SFE Coordinators Network was set up in 2006 to provide a platform for all SFE coordinators to network, learn new skills and share best practices. The SFECON will organise programmes and activities such as talks, workshops and other events to help its members become better coordinators.

For those who have yet to register as a member, they can do so by completing the registration form and email to There will be a registration fee of $20.00 per year which will go towards subsidising group activities. Registration forms can be found on


This article 'Parent-Teens Communication' is contributed by Mr Jeremy Koh, Parent Volunteer.

Parent-Teens Communication?

Communicating with teenagers actually is no different from communicating with adults. The only difference is that they are ‘family’ and we have a tendency to take family members for granted and have more expectations.

How could a relationship have deteriorated? Click here to read more or the article can be view on

SFE e-newsletter - July 08

Dear SFE Partners,

Welcome to the SFE e-newsletter. The SFE e-newsletter aims to provide updated information on SFE and other family life education programmes and happenings. We will also be sharing some short articles and family life tips with you in this e-newsletter.

The highlights of the July 08 issue of SFE e-newsletter include Singapore Parenting Congress 08, SFE Parent Facilitator Training Oct 08 and SFE training for coordinators.

We would like to hear from you on how we can make this e-newsletter and the SFE programme better. If you have any suggestion or feedback or wish to contribute to the e-newsletter, please contact us at

The SFE e-newsletter can also be viewed at . We hope you will enjoy reading this SFE e-newsletter.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Symposium on Cyberbullying

Symposium On Protecting Your Child Against the Cyber Menace 24:7
19th July 2008
Ulu Pandan Community Club, Level 5 Theatrette

With the rapid advent of information technology (IT), young children and youth have been swept up into the IT culture, with little understanding to the risks involved. Parents and educators of these “Millenial” children are caught unaware, unprepared and helpless as these children and youth get caught up in cyber-related social ills like internet and gaming addiction, online bullying and invasion of privacy.

For this reason, the NIE SupportUS, a group of NIE trainee teachers took to task, the battle towards rising issues that may affect the emotional and social well-being of our children and youth today. Together with other organisations like Coalition Against Bullying for Children & Youth (CABCY) and Harvest Centre for Research, Training & Development (HRTD), this symposium has been organised with the aim of reaching out to parents and educators as a community endeavour to address concerns and problems rising from the increased internet use by children and youth.

Experts and researchers in the study of cyberian world will be sharing their insights and tips in facilitating a generation of young internet users. We urge that you and your colleagues will participate this symposium. Come make a difference together!

With the cost of S$60 per person, you’ll get to attend 4 keynote addresses. Lunch will be provided. All proceeds collected will be donated to the non-profit organisations CABCY and ILOVEIT! Campaign for needy and at-risk children.

For details on registration, please call Coalition Against Bullying for Children & Youths (CABCY)
10 Anson Road, #12-13, International Plaza, Singapore 079903 Tel: 6227 6635 Fax: 6227 6146
Email: Website:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ubin Trip 28th May 2008

We had a great a time at Pulau Ubin on last Wednesday 28/05/08. Before our journey even begin, parents were briefed by Mr Richard on parenting issues like how to manage and talk to the family. Mr Mike, one of the facilitators was playing games with the children in a separate area.

Initially, I was quite worried as the weather was quite dark but once we reached the island, it became sunny & hot. We trekked for some distance and we saw fascinating plants, kampong houses and the villagers They are very friendly. While most of the residents had shifted to Singapore, there are still some villagers staying on. We had the chance in meeting the head of the village or the Penghulu (in malay). He had been staying on the island since he was 7 years old.

We had our lunch at about 12pm. We rented bicycles and went cycling, we really enjoyed ourselves and had a great time. My legs and knees were really tired as it's been years since I've cycled. We stopped and returned the bicycles at about 2.15pm

At 2.30pm we took the bumboat back to Singapore. The weather in Singapore was getting dark. On the way home, it rained quite heavily but that does not bother us as we really had an enjoyable day in Pulau Ubin. What a great day!!

Written by Mdm Asiah Zainal

Friday, May 30, 2008

Working Together

I am glad that the video is well accepted by all. My name is Rosita Lea Sharif & I have 3 children. One being in Greenridge, Siti Aishah from 1 Joy. The other two elder ones are in Sec 3 in West Spring and Sec 2 in St Joseph's Institution.

In 2006, my eldest daughter entered West Spring Sec. Sch. I felt as if I am the one entering secondary education. Things have changed so much since I was in a secondary school. I believe I must be involved in order to keep abreast of the times and changes from the ministry. To cut the story short, I have been in the pro-term committee since its inception in 2006 till now as its Secretary. My daughter will be sitting for her 'O' level exams in 2009 and along with her, I will be graduating too.

Siti Aishah have been pestering me since January 2008 to join the PSG in Greenridge but I was just too stretch for time. Furthermore I am not familiar on how a primary school PSG works. I believe the mechanics of it is different. I humbly request your guidance in this. I would like to slowly blend in with all of you and work well together.

I am humbled by this invitation to join the Greenridge family. I hope my small contribution will go far with the students and motivate them further to excel in their studies. Thank you!

Blogged by

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Greenridge Food & Fun Fair Extravaganza 21st May 2008

It was a blast! Throngs of parents, students together with their siblings came to experience our fun fair. Lots of stalls selling goodies were seen and games stalls noisy with players enjoying themselves. Check out the cool video.

This wonderful video is contributed by our very talented and cool parent volunteer, Mdm Rosita. The video was broadcasted to all parents and staff during the parent-teacher conference day and staff meeting. Welcome on board Rosita! Glad to have YOU!

This event is to raise fund for the orphanage in Cambodia and the GRPS needy pupils.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008



check out details at

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Eat with your Family Day 2008

Science workshop for upper primary parents

Science Workshop (Upper Pri) For Parent & Child Conducted by Dr Boo on 26 April


May 2008 Parenting Programmes
This talk aims to introduce you to the worldview, media choices and lingo of the present youth culture in Singapore. It will provide you with insightful glimpses of the inner world of your teens
and aid you in connecting with them more effectively. Seats are limited. Sign up today! Registration has to be made prior to commencement of talk. For cheque payment, please
make a crossed cheque payable to “REACH Family Service Centre” and mail it to Block 187, Bishan Street 13, #01-475 S570187. Please call Lay Tshin at 6252 2566 or email for further details and enquiries.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Speech Day 2008

On 20/03/2008 GRPS had their speech day celebration. It was great. The team had done a great job. As a parent, I am proud to know about the school's achievements and awards after listening to Mrs. Chew's speech.
The dancers were great too. Their dance, costume, make up and style was very good.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Parent-kid camp 2008

Parent-kid camp 2008

Please refer to for more details and application form.

In Conjunction with the Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign 2008

What is it?
Parent-Kid Camp 2008 is an exciting outdoor experience that seeks to encourage social skills learning, disseminate anti-drug messages and more importantly provide an opportune avenue to foster parent-kid bonds through the interactive activities.

When is it?
The 2-day 1-night camp will take place during the first weekend of the school holidays, from 24 to 25 May 2008.

Where is it?
Get away from the buzz of city life! Sarimbun Scout Camp is situated at a tranquil park of Singapore with various camping facilities.

Campsite: Sarimbun Scout Camp@ 70 Jalan Bahtera, (S) 719921
See Map at ANNEX A

By Car: Free parking spaces (limited availability)

By Bus: Take bus no. 975 (from Bukit Panjang Interchange/ Opposite Chua Chu Kang MRT Station) and alight at the bus stop opposite the junction of Lim Chu Kang Lane 5 and Lim Chu Kang Road. 15-20 minutes of walking time.

Shuttle Service: CNB will be providing shuttle service at Kranji MRT Station.

Who can participate?
Open to anyone aged between 10-12 years old. Each participant is to be accompanied by at least 1 parent. The participant may also bring 1 or 2 more siblings who are above 7 years old.

What are the activities?
Highlights of the camp include exciting mass games and tele-matches, campfire, scrapbook-making activities and more!

Are meals provided?
All meals (halal) will be provided. If you have any special dietary requirements please specify in your registration form.

Rules & Regulations
All participants of the camp are to adhere to this set of rules and regulations:-

As there are limited places for only 40 families, participation is on a first-come first-served basis.
Families interested to participate in this camp are required to register by sending in the registration and indemnity forms by Friday, 9 May 2008. No cancellation is allowed thereafter.
Successful families will be contacted by the organiser.
The decision of the organiser is final and no further correspondence will be entertained.

All participants are to complete the indemnity portion of the registration form .
The organisers will take reasonable care in the proper and safe conduct of the camp. The organisers will not be responsible for any damages or injuries sustained during the course of the camp. Participants shall be personally responsible for their own safety and properties during the participation of the camp.

CNB reserves the right to change, amend or withdraw any of the guidelines/activities without prior notice, and to publicise and/or broadcast participants’ names and images.
For enquiries, please contact:
Joyclene Lau (Ms)
Tel: 6325 6670

A memorable school
holiday experience awaits you!

So hurry, grab your family and sign up soon.

Remember, the closing date for submission is Friday 9, May 2008!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Maths Workshop 18th March 2008

Parents’ Workshop – Mathematics Problem Solving Strategies


Presenter: Ms Li Fanglan

The founder director of FAN-Math, Ms Li Fanglan has more than 15 years of teaching and writing experience in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions in Singapore, Australia and China. Being an award-winning teacher cum maths specialist, she has conducted Mathematics workshops for teachers and parents in many schools. There are numerous publications to her credit, including FAN-Math Mathematics series (‘Top 10 Maths', Family Magazine, Singapore), i-Excel Heuristic & Model Approach (P1 to P6) and MathExpress - Speed Maths Strategies series (P1 to P6).

Friday, March 7, 2008

PSG Welcome Night 2008

PSG Welcome Night
5 March 2008
7pm -9pm
To show our appreciation to our current parents volunteers and to welcome new members, the school PSG and PSG exco organised a welcome dinner cum family fun session for our PSG members. Mrs Chew our principal (in pink shirt and black pants at the back of the crowd in the above photos)joined in the fitness fun session. The parent volunteers had a fun fitness bonding session with their children conducted by a qualified instructor, followed by a introduction of the school PSG committee members and PSG exco members by Mrs Pauline Yap. The PSG family had a sumptuous dinner catered for them at the AVA room and were seen busily signing up for school activities that required mass parent volunteers participation.