Congratualations! Rani, Sheila, Anne and Pauline for completing Parent Facilitator Course Module 1 & Module 2.
“Parenting with Confidence” workshops are designed to equip and encourage parents of children in age groups
6-12 and
13-19 years. Comprising six 2-hour sessions of interactive learning through videos, discussion in a small-group setting, it provides practical insights and creative ideas for successful parenting. A key distinctive of this programme is that it will inspire parents to see the possibilities and understand the unique opportunities in their children in each unique age group.
Participants of the facilitator workshop have a passion for parenting and a desire to share experiences with others. Participants of this facilitator training will be accredited to present PwC workshops in community centres, schools and other venues.
The ceremony was held in the Auditorium at Civil Service College on 17th march 2007, 9am to 12.30pm. The atmosphere was warm as you could see the parents volunteers beaming with joy as their school principals, vice principals and teachers looked on with pride. The program was entertaining and engaging with various performance items put up by the lecturers of the modules , interesting skit and sharing testimony by the course particpants, the parent volunteers themselves.
I had a great time sharing with Anne and Sheila on the wonderful moments & lessons they had in their course and also picked up useful parenting tips from the sharing of some parents volunteers. We also came out with some great ideas for PSG matters from the event, namely
1.Parent Clinic (Parent Mentor to station in PSG rm for a specific hr and timing)
2.Arrangement for Sheila team including Anne to meet up with our new SFE coordinator to discuss about social/recreational events.
3. to ask Malcom to write /compile a history of PSG, including his track & field days with Michelle Foo.
I also decided to promote the parent faciliator course to all P1 parents as I find that not only the course is beneficial but it strengthen the bonding among the parents volunteers which is most invaluable.
Well, Mrs Chew and Mrs Tan couldn't attend the ceremony because they were in Yunan, a school immersionl trip with the pupils.
At the end of the ceremony, one of the school princiapl was absent and actually ordered bouquet of flowers to be presented to the parent volunteers. Hmmm this is really a sweet gesture, why didn't we think of that? We must do something to address this...
p/s We will be presenting our recognition of effort of these parents volunteers on our coming Prize Giving Day on 23/3/2007.